Chinese God

Lu Ban


In Chinese mythology, Lu Ban (魯班) is the god of carpentry and furniture and is the patron saint of builders and contractors. An innovator and engineer, Lu Ban is credited with several creative inventions, such as the saw and the shovel. His name is comprised of the character lǔ (魯), the name of his province, and bān (班), which is a common Chinese surname.


Lu Ban was born in the state of Lu to a working class family of artisans. Ever since he was a small child, Lu Ban was filled with an insatiable desire to learn and create. He was credited with a number of important inventions including the saw, grappling hook, the carpenter’s square, umbrella, and the cloud ladder—a type of ladder used during military sieges.

Lu Ban was referenced as a legendary master carpenter in ancient, historical texts like the Book of Origins, or Shì Běn (世本). Although it is unclear when he was named a god, Lu Ban became a cultural deity based on his achievements and inventions. He was regarded as something of a folk hero.