Dragon Name Generator
Ignite the fires of your imagination with our dragon name generator, offering thousands of epic names for your scaly mythical creatures.

Dragon names: Origin, structure, and meaning
You don’t become the fiercest mythological creature of all time without taking a few names. But what about making the names that define these fire-breathing creatures that are a hallmark of fantasy and mythology all across the world?
Dragons appear in nearly everything in the world of fantasy, with their distinctive hot breath and dinosaur-like scales as the common hallmarks. Expect your dragon names to share the exotic, mythological qualities you see in The Hobbit, A Song of Ice and Fire, and Harry Potter.
Dragon naming conventions
Dragon names, with an exception or two, are not humanlike at all, so they don’t need the long family names. Dragon names are high in exotic consonants like X and Z, not to mention harsh sounds like hard Gs—typically with short, simple names.
Dragon name inspiration
Dragon names use simple or multisyllabic words, typically to inspire the kind of awesome fear that fantasy authors are looking for. Long vowel sounds (“au” in “Smaug”) and harsh, exotic consonants add to the otherwordly aura of dragons. They always seem to be from another place or time, from ancient Greek to Chinese myth.
Get your fearsome dragon name by using our fantasy dragon name generator!
List of Dragon Names
Vermithrax and Smaug, Draco and Balerion the Black Dread; dragon names are as unique and varying as the fantasy species itself. But they tend to share singular names that sound like they’re describing famous and legendary creatures because, well…they are. Let’s look at a list of famous dragon names below:
Name | Meaning | Origin | Gender |
Draco | Dragon | Latin | Neutral |
Drogo | Of Drogo | Dothraki | Neutral |
Rhaegal | Of Rhaegar | Valyrian | Neutral |
Viserion | Of Viserys | Valyrian | Neutral |
Balerion | Unknown | Valyrian | Neutral |
Arrax | Unknown | Valyrian | Neutral |
Caraxes | Unknown | Valyrian | Neutral |
Meraxes | Unknown | Valyrian | Neutral |
Moondancer | Moon dancer | Common Tongue | Neutral |
Sunfyre | Hot as sun | Common Tongue | Neutral |
Tyraxes | Unknown | Valyrian | Neutral |
Seasmoke | Flames from the sea | Common Tongue | Neutral |
Sheepstealer | Sheepstealer | Common Tongue | Neutral |
Antipodean | Opposite; opposer | English | Neutral |
Ancalagon | Unknown | Common Tongue | Neutral |
Smaug | Squeeze through a hole | Germanic | Neutral |
Glaurung | Glow worm | Sindarin | Neutral |
Fire-Drake | Fire well | Common Tongue | Neutral |
Scatha | Unknown | Sindarin | Neutral |
Vhagar | Unknown | Valyrian | Neutral |