Japanese God Name Generator
Our Japanese god name generator creates names inspired by Japan's legendary deities, perfect for crafting characters that can bend the elements to their will.

Japanese god names: Origin, structure, and meaning
Storms, winds, and waves: in Japanese mythology, the gods are tightly linked to the elements of the world as we see it around us. As such, Japanese god names may remind you of singular, elemental words that describe fundamental forces.
Japanese gods appear in everything from the Kojiki, the “Records of Ancient Matters,” to the Nihon Shoki (the “Chronicles of Japan”), to characters in popular anime series and video games like Warriors Orochi.
Naming conventions for Japanese deities
The names of the Kami, or Japanese gods, don’t only follow Japanese naming conventions; they’ve helped shape them over the centuries. Take away the traditional family name, but keep in mind that Japanese names appear in kanji, which can include multiple Japanese characters to enhance their descriptiveness, manifesting in multiple syllables.
Japanese god and goddess name inspiration
Many of the Japanese god and goddess names come from Shinto traditions; Amaterasu, for example, is the queen who embodies the rising sun—an ancient symbol of Japanese culture. The multi-syllabic name reflects the multiple characters of kanji, describing “shines from heaven.”
Invoke the power of Japanese gods now! With our name generator, grant your characters names that shimmer with celestial grace and ancient lore.
List of Japanese god names
In Japanese myth, the gods and goddesses personify the Japanese experience; Amaterasu is the eastern sun, for example, as Raijin is the chaotic Japanese god of storms. Expect Japanese god names to sound highly descriptive, even if they are singular words—these words often seek to match the element the god symbolizes.
Name | Meaning | Origin | Gender |
Raijin | Thunder god | Japanese | Male |
Amaterasu | Shines from heaven | Japanese | Female |
Ame-no-Uzume | Goddess of dawn | Japanese | Female |
Benzaiten | Dispenser of wisdom | Japanese | Female |
Bishamonten | Guardian of gates | Japanese | Male |
Daikokuten | God of the great darkness | Japanese | Male |
Ebisu | Favorable yield | Japanese | Male |
Fujin | Wind god | Japanese | Male |
Fukurokuju | Happiness and longevity | Japanese | Male |
Hoderi | Fire skirt | Japanese | Male |
Hotei | Linen sack | Japanese | Male |
Inari | Rice cargo | Japanese | Neutral |
Izanagi | He who invites | Japanese | Male |
Jurojin | Man of longevity | Japanese | Male |
Kagutsuchi | Shining force | Japanese | Male |
Kannon | Hearer | Japanese | Male |
Kichijoten | Heavenly luck | Japanese | Female |
Susanoo | God of sea storms | Japanese | Male |
Tsukuyomi | Moon reading | Japanese | Male |
Ninigi | Jeweled mallet | Japanese | Male |