Ultimate Guide to Norse Mythology
Norse mythology is the compilation of the stories, religious practices, and myths of the ancient Nordic people. These texts span a period of time beginning in Norse paganism and continuing through the medieval era, during which most of Scandinavia converted to Christianity.
Norse Gods
Pantheon of gods and goddesses worshipped by the Norse clans
The Norse gods and goddesses are the array of deities honored by ancient Nordic worshipers. They primarily came from two different tribes, the Aesir and the Vanir, but were united in their efforts to fight the jötnar, a tribe of giants dwelling in another realm of the world tree Yggdrasil.
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Norse Cosmology
The assembly of cosmic realms, creation and destruction myths of Norse mythology
Norse cosmology focuses on how the Norse people perceived the cosmos and their place in it. It includes their creation myths, the nine realms of the universe, and their perception of the inevitable end of both humanity and the gods in the form of Ragnarok.
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Norse Literature
Body of texts informing most of what is known of ancient Norse mythology and religion
The Norse texts which provide the vast majority of knowledge of Norse mythology are recordings of oral histories dating from the 13th century. The most fundamental of these texts include the Prose Edda and Poetic Edda, the sagas of Icelanders, and inscribed objects such as amulets and runestones.