Halfling Name Generator
Embark on epic quests with our halfling name generator! Find a name that perfectly captures your little folk's personality for your next fantasy adventure.

Halfling names: Origin, structure, and meaning
Short in stature but proud in spirit, halflings in the world of fantasy often symbolize the underdog in all of us. Their names typically aren’t so lofty as those belonging to high elves. What strikes us most about the race of fantasy halflings—besides their often hairy feet and short legs—is that they share so many distinctly human traits.
Tolkien’s The Hobbit may have introduced the world to halflings, but they enjoy enduring popularity in tabletop games like Forgotten Realms and Warhammer, not to mention video games like Baldur’s Gate.
Halfling naming conventions in fantasy worlds
Think of halflings as short humans for most fantasy world purposes; they often share distinctive first names to go along with simple surnames. Toss in the occasional epithet or mononym for halflings with distinctive traits or those who have accomplished spectacular deeds.
Halfling name inspiration
A great halfling name might have some ring of real-world names; they don’t have to share the exotic, poetic lilt of elf names, for example. Authors like Tolkien may even borrow from common names (Samwise vs. Samuel) to reflect human traditions, though other names hint at their mischievous nature.
Invoke the spirit of small folk today! With our generator, create halfling names that echo with the warmth and cheer of a cozy hobbit-hole.
List of halfling names
Sam works as a name for both a halfling and a fantasy human, but don’t be afraid to have fun with halfling names by exploring their full potential! Below, you’ll see a list of established halfling names from fantasy literature and even tabletop games, showing off how oddly familiar yet not-quite-human these names tend to sound.
Name | Meaning | Origin | Gender |
Frodo | Wise | Common Tongue | Male |
Bilbo | Unknown | Common Tongue | Male |
Peregrin | Traveler | Common Tongue | Male |
Meriadoc | Sea brow | Common Tongue | Male |
Samwise | Halfwise | Common Tongue | Male |
Belladonna | Beautiful lady | Common Tongue | Female |
Bungo | Unknown | Common Tongue | Male |
Daisy | Flower | Common Tongue | Female |
Diamond | Gemstone | Common Tongue | Female |
Marigold | Flower | Common Tongue | Female |
Pearl | Gemstone | Common Tongue | Female |
Déagol | Secret | Common Tongue | Male |
Sméagol | Burrowing | Common Tongue | Male |
Amaranth | Herb | Common Tongue | Female |
Carl | Charles | Common Tongue | Male |
Dudo | Unknown | Common Tongue | Male |
Falco | Falcon | Common Tongue | Male |
Largo | Large | Common Tongue | Male |
Ludwig | Famous in battle | Common Tongue | Male |
Regis | Kingly | Common Tongue | Male |